Monday, April 9, 2012

Beet and tofu salad/sandwich (?)

This meal was the product of going to the grocery store without a solid list. I thumbed through my Martha Stewart Living cookbook hoping for some good ideas for a hearty salad, and had a basic idea in my head that was filled in after browsing the produce section. I couldn't pass up the golden baby beets, and thought they might be interesting roasted with some yellow cherry tomatoes and baked tofu. Indeed, I was pleasantly surprised by this dish! It's tangy, sweet, just substantial due to the beets and tofu.

I started by halving and roasting the beets and a shallot for about 45 minutes. 15 minutes in, I put in a pan of cubed tofu to bake, and near the end, another pan of halved tomatoes. Everything was drizzled in olive oil, and I stirred the beets and tofu halfway through their cooking. For future reference, I should have drained the tofu first, and I should have peeled the beets first with a vegetable peeler, as their cooked skins were not as easy to get off.

Once everything was done baking, I put it together in a bowl and added some salt and balsamic vinegar. The tomatoes pretty much disintegrated, creating a sauce. I then assembled the final fixin's: toasted ciabatta bread spread with goat cheese, and then tossed some baby arugula with the vegetable mix. This was kind of interesting to eat; it's like a salad on a sandwich. Also, no idea what prompted me to get so gourmet on a Tuesday afternoon lunch, when I clearly should have been studying...

This recipe (using two bunches of baby beets, and about 3/4 of the standard containers of cherry tomatoes and tofu) yielded 3 servings. For subsequent servings, I reheated the vegetables but not the arugula- that should go in last.

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