Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Homemade pasta sauce

I know I've gone full-blown Americana, but tonight I made homemade tomato pasta sauce and it turned out so good! Tomatoes and most veggies are cheap here, so I picked up 1 kg for less than a dollar. And since I'm learning to use a pressure cooker, I figured it would work well for this recipe, and it did! It wasn't necessary, but it really sped things up.

As I heated the pressure cooker (with no lid), I started by chopping up 3 medium/small red onions and sauteing them in olive oil til brown. After a while I added 8 cloves of roughly chopped garlic. I let everything get good and brown (without burning the onions) and then I added about 3/4 kg of roughly chopped tomatoes and about a half cup of water. Then I put the pressure cooker lid on and cooked that for 5 minutes (it could've used a min longer though).

The recipe I based this on was right that you shouldn't start the pasta until everything is in the pressure cooker, because the sauce can wait but pasta can't. And once the pressure cooker was done, I still had a lot of water to boil off of the sauce so that took about 15 minutes, and could take longer on a different stove.

I've already raved about nutrella, and I'm using it in this recipe too. I fried them in a tiny bit of oil and then added them to the sauce, which was reducing. Also to the sauce I added a small can of tomato paste, a sprinkle of red pepper flakes, and some italian seasonings/oregano leftover from my pizza deliveries here :) I didn't have to add salt because the tomato paste has plenty of salt in it. Once the sauce reduced, I drained the noodles but added a bit of the pasta water back into the tomato sauce (which had gotten a bit too dry, plus the starchy water makes it awesome).

Aww yisss tomato sauce!

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