Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Vegetarian Pho

Basically, this recipe. With just a regular homemade vegetable broth (with the spices, and some extra onion), and un-charred ginger. And udon noodles, because I couldn't find rice noodles.

Naked veggies.

I was really excited and bought new bowls for today, since I figured I'd make this again and it's good to have some nicer bowls around (technically they are serving bowls).

With the works.

I fried some tofu, steamed some broccoli, and sauteed some mushrooms. We decided not to use sliced raw onions, but plenty of green onions. I might have added mint, but I went to four stores and there must be a national mint shortage. Or not. I used lots of Sriracha because I admit it, I have an addiction. 

There are a lot of moving parts in this recipe, but it only took me an hour to prep- and I only almost forgot the mushrooms! A fair amount of clean up, but so worth it!

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